Saturday, November 20, 2010

Know what day it is?

November 20th marks "Universal Children's Day" according to the United Nations. It is a day to promote understanding among children, benefit the welfare of children, and to celebrate childhood.

I don't know about you, but every day is about my child. It is always children's day in this house!

So while I wish her & the other kids out there a happy Universal Children's Day, I will instead devote this post to a celebration of my own childhood.

For me, childhood happiness was...
  • Homemade play-dough
  • A blue & white swing set
  • Riding bicycles in the cul-de-sac
  • Summertime trips to the beach
  • Spitting watermelon seeds over the porch railing
  • Making whirlpools in our round backyard pool
  • Care Bears, Monchichis, and Cabbage Patch Kids
  • My first record player - and first cassette player
  • Sledding with neighbors after a winter's snow

Happy Universal Children's Day!


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