Monday, September 5, 2011

Rainy Labor Day - and what a surprise!

Monday was a day at home after a fun-filled visit with the grandparents. It was a completely rainy, stuck-indoors kind of day. I saw the tweets of other moms, lamenting the Labor Day holiday trapped alongside stir-crazy children. I pretty much expected the same at our house. But I was in for quite a surprise!

First, playtime.
We discovered that Amelia's favorite play gym was open, so we took Daddy to see this place he always hears about and can never visit. They chased and bounced and plopped into the pit of foam blocks.

Second, creativity time.
Satisfied that she was fullly exercised, we went home to spend the afternoon in good old lazy fashion. I watched a few HGTV shows and Amelia colored. And painted. And colored some more.

We didn't hear a peep from her for over an hour!

Third, constructive play.
Later, she asked us to play with her. We did a few puzzles together and Daddy helped make the dollhouse come alive with 4" Disney princess figures.

Then, completely unaided, Amelia cleaned the house.

Yes... she cleaned. Everything! Put all her art supplies away, placed snack bowls in the sink, stashed all her completed paintings, dropped the puzzle pieces into all the correct boxes, and stuffed her toy animals into the bins.

I could not have cleaned up any better myself.

She was gleaming with pride in her acomplishment, and I was overcome with love for this darling girl. I couldn't be more proud of the sweet heart she has inside that cute little princess package. Maybe we need rainy days more often!

Happy Labor Day!


Amber Page Writes said...Best Blogger Tips

A child that cleans? That's a dream of mine. Right now, her favorite activity is to dump her belongings on the floor. Over and over again. Yay for Amelia!

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